Greetings Dear folk!
It is hard when you get used to using a computer for everything. Not having one to use without being broken more than working. We finally decided we better get a new one before we lost all that we had on the old one. We should be set for a good while.
We are doing great. We took some time off and went on vacation. We had not had a vacation for some four years. Since our boys like the beach we went down to Caraguatatuba where my brother Epitacio is pastor. Even though I was on vacation I preached 3 times at the church that he pastors.
We are making new plans for our church here in Garça. We will be working with Pastor Gilberto who is pastor is Marilia. There are several mission points that are going through some difficult situations, mostly a need for pastors.
Also pastor Gilberto and I have visited several cites in a one hour radius that still do not have Baptist churches.
We have bought a lot in Marilia and have already built a house for a pastor to live in. We will be starting a building there next. Also one of the plans there is to open a bible institute.
This lot is only 1.5 miles from the 4 universities in Marilia. We are praying that God will prepare some one that would love to work with the college students. There are over 30.000 students that attend these colleges. This is a tremendous opportunity.
We will be moving our services to the building where we used to have the school. Since we have so many kids on Sunday morning and we will be working with Sunday school classes where we can move the kids into the classrooms more easily. We will be fixing some things like painting, changing some doors and things like that.
We have been working on getting the library ready to open. But we will have to make a change and move it to a smaller room and leave the bigger room for the auditorium for the services. We hope that we can have all this ready in the next 2 weeks.
Pray for us, and all our new plans. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Odali and Kathy