Sunday, January 30, 2011

Music class

We have a group from church that is taking music lessons. Here in Brasil students do not study music in school. If one wants to learn music or how to play and instrument he must take private lessons. After 2 months of classes they played and sang for Christmas. They were so nervous. But we are very proud of them. Our oldest student is the lady playing bass. We were surprised when she said that was the instrument she wanted to learn to play.

We have had so much rain here. We are thankful that we do not live in an area that has floods. If we did we would certainly be wiped out. The rain has done lot of damage in town but it has not taken any lives.
Our school year starts this week. The kids of course have mixed emotions. They want to see their friends but studying part ..... oh well.
We want to thank those of you who sent special gifts for Christmas. We deeply appreciate your kindness. May God bless each of you.

The church is doing great. Last
week we had 5 people saved. Pray for these babes in Christ as they grow in the Lord each day.
We have a new mother here with 3 children. She came for help with a social worker from the city asking for a place to live. She was a drug addict. She has been using cocaine most of her life. When we had the HOME two of her brothers lived with us. They had the same problem. They came from a family (well if you can call it a family) that had no structure what so ever. Unfortunately that is becoming more common around the world. The Devil is not too fond of structured families that serve God. Actually the devil started working with Adam and Eve. The first misunderstanding they had was accusing each other. Pray for this young lady. She just turned 30 and has 3 kids ages, 11, 6 and 2.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

End of year..... Had a great time


Hey friends,

Hope all of you had a great end of year. That you holidays with your family and friends was great. We had a great time and mostly enjoyed just having fellowship with friends and church members.

We have finished most of the painting of the front part of the building. The building is so big that it take time and lots of paint.

We took the church to the farm again for a day. Everyone had a great time. Every one enjoyed the water and the water falls. Those who were young enough or better strong enough went to the bigger falls. The place is just beautiful.

We had a great Christmas Eve dinner. On New Year’s Eve we had our dinner outside. We had grilled skibobs and salads. We played card games, volley ball and the kids had fun playing together. It was just a wonderful time of relaxation.

We are trying hard to get the library ready to be opened by the end of January. Getting all the books registered of computer takes some time. Especially went those who are typing are not professional typist. We had some nice desk donated to us from a school in town. So we went and took out the ones that we had that we old and not in good shape. All the desk that we had, were given to us by others schools that were going to through the away.

We thank all of you that stay in contact with us and that keep us in your prayers and support this ministry. May God bless all of you and your loved ones and may the year of 2011 be a year full of God blessing in your lives.