Well I guess there is 2 clowns!!!!
Here in Brasil there is a day dedicated for the children like there is for father and mother’s Day. It is on October the 12th. We had a special day for the kids Sunday afternoon from noon to 6 pm. We had 150 kids under 13 yrs old. There were about 60 more people 14 yrs. and older. We put ribbons with their names on all the kids 13 and under. Also we wrote their names on labels that were later put on bags with treats for the scavenger hunt. At the end of the day the kids had to hunt for the bag with their own name on it and not take any one else’s. What a challenge!!!! Well actually that went pretty well. I believe there were only 3 or 4 that we did not find. We had many parents that came with their children. Had 2 mothers that came and asked me if the could come to church with there kids. I told them that not only could they come but that they actually should come with their children. That coming to church as a family was very important. We had all kinds of activities. Our church has lots of young adults. The games that we used were made by the youth. Every one put effort in their work and the results were great.
We had hot dogs, pop corn, cotton candy and fresh juice for every one. Of course that always goes over well. Eating is every ones favorite hobby. Before the hunt we gathered every one to give the instructions on how the hunt was going to be. But before we did that we sang some songs and them the youth did a drama of the prodigal son and then Odali shared the gospel with all those there.
After the all was finished those from church and those who live here with us at Alpha and omega play some ball and just had a great time of fellowship. It was a great day and God gave us an absolutely gorgeous day. The weather could have not been better. Enjoy the pictures. We even dress Odali and a clown.