Alpha and Omega gets a new look!
We are starting new projects and along with that giving this place a completely new look. We hope that we can get the front painted by Christmas. The painting is slow because getting the walls ready to be painted is taking a long time. There is lots of scraping to be done. But things are coming along.
We are really getting excited about the library. It takes so much time to type the information on the computer for each book. But things are coming along really well. We went to the book store this week and started buying the new books that so many people donated for. I just wish books were a little cheaper. Oh well, thank God we can buy more Christian books. We still are going to buy more. We are looking and checking the different publishing houses to get a variety of books that are good for all ages. The girls at the store had fun taking pictures of us while we were shopping. I took our 3 boys to the book store too. We had written to several publishing companies and asked if they would give a copy of some books or magazines for the library. We sent them a copy of our project so they could see what our plans are. We have already had some replies. One company has already sent 12 months of magazines. Another Christian book store wrote us and said they were interested also. Please continue to pray for us as we work hard to get things ready. I would really like to open the library before the end of the year.