Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Having Services In Marilia!
We are so excited with the servicesin Marilia. We have been there for 2 weeks now. The 1st week we had 45 and this week under lots of rain we had 30. The amazing thing is that we have had several adult to come out. And what is really amazing is that we have had men to come. It is easy for women to come because they come with the children, but men is another story. We are taking a large group from the church here in Garca. we have been taking about 40 to help get things realy and visit the neighborhood. Every one had really enjoyed going. Our services here in Garca have been great. We are running over 70 on the bus route.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
News letter
We hope that all is well with each of you and enjoying the blessing from our Lord and Savior. We are doing great! God has been so good to us and just shown His love and mercy each day.
The church is doing great. We have had many new time visitors morning and night. This month of August we had 49 first time visitors. What is interesting is that we have not even done any special visits and promotions. The church purchased a bus this last week. We are now running 2 buses on Sunday morning. Many of the ones coming are bringing others. That is what it is all about. One thing that we are doing is spending more time together. So about once a month we have lunch together. Next Sunday we are going to have home grown chicken stew and cooked corn bread (mush) with fresh lettuce salad grown here also. Sounds good?!!!! It is good!!!! Better than the food is the fellowship that we have together. The church bus driver mentioned the other day that when the kids started coming that the screamed and cursed but now they come sinning the songs that they are learning in Sunday school. That was a big encouragement for the bus driver. Please continue to pray for the church that many will come and hear and be saved.
Here at the home we are doing well also. We have 2 new teens. One is odali’s nephew from the city where mike Creiglow lives. Pray that if he is not saved that he will come to know the Lord and Savior and grow each day. Also we have Gislaine back with us. I will be requesting her guardianship this week. She is from Marilia. We talked to the prosecutor of that city about some kids that used to be here and how we could help them. He told us that he would give any guardianship that we wanted. All we had to do is ask our lawyer to request them. Pray about this with us. There are several kids that have contacted us that are asking for help.
We had a fantastic blessing that happened last month. We had a Home was given to us. There is a children’s home is Marilia that was closed. The couple that owned the home contacted us to see if we would be interested in having the place. We had several kids that come to live with us that had stayed at their home. We have not fully decided what kind of work we will be doing there. One thing we do know is that we are going to start having services there on the weekends. We drove around the neighborhood and found no Christian churches. One of the projects that we have been studying about is working with retired folks and need a place to stay during the day. For those that still have good health and need to keep their minds and bodies moving. This is also a great opportunity for evangelism. Please pray for this new project that God will lead us each step of the way.
We want to thank all of you that pray for us faithfully and support the ministry. You are important to us. May God richly bless you and your families and churches!
Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy
The church is doing great. We have had many new time visitors morning and night. This month of August we had 49 first time visitors. What is interesting is that we have not even done any special visits and promotions. The church purchased a bus this last week. We are now running 2 buses on Sunday morning. Many of the ones coming are bringing others. That is what it is all about. One thing that we are doing is spending more time together. So about once a month we have lunch together. Next Sunday we are going to have home grown chicken stew and cooked corn bread (mush) with fresh lettuce salad grown here also. Sounds good?!!!! It is good!!!! Better than the food is the fellowship that we have together. The church bus driver mentioned the other day that when the kids started coming that the screamed and cursed but now they come sinning the songs that they are learning in Sunday school. That was a big encouragement for the bus driver. Please continue to pray for the church that many will come and hear and be saved.
Here at the home we are doing well also. We have 2 new teens. One is odali’s nephew from the city where mike Creiglow lives. Pray that if he is not saved that he will come to know the Lord and Savior and grow each day. Also we have Gislaine back with us. I will be requesting her guardianship this week. She is from Marilia. We talked to the prosecutor of that city about some kids that used to be here and how we could help them. He told us that he would give any guardianship that we wanted. All we had to do is ask our lawyer to request them. Pray about this with us. There are several kids that have contacted us that are asking for help.
We had a fantastic blessing that happened last month. We had a Home was given to us. There is a children’s home is Marilia that was closed. The couple that owned the home contacted us to see if we would be interested in having the place. We had several kids that come to live with us that had stayed at their home. We have not fully decided what kind of work we will be doing there. One thing we do know is that we are going to start having services there on the weekends. We drove around the neighborhood and found no Christian churches. One of the projects that we have been studying about is working with retired folks and need a place to stay during the day. For those that still have good health and need to keep their minds and bodies moving. This is also a great opportunity for evangelism. Please pray for this new project that God will lead us each step of the way.
We want to thank all of you that pray for us faithfully and support the ministry. You are important to us. May God richly bless you and your families and churches!
Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy
Wow! This month has started out with lots of things going on. We are specially excited about our church services. We have had so many first time visitors for Sunday school and night services. Last Sunday we had 26 visitors. The visitors are coming back and bringing others. Last Sunday we had our lunch that we have about once a month. It is a time that everyone can just hang around visist and just have a good time. The kids love playing on the play ground. This week was independence day here, so we went to the farm to work a little and play and just have a good time. We are planting beans and corn. Hope it sprouts and grows well. We have had lots of rain. so hopefully it will do good.
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