Monday, December 28, 2009


Hope all of you had a great Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas here. We wanted to emphases the true meaning of Christmas. The world has totally turned this DAY into a money making business. It’s so easy to forget the true meaning. God gave us the greatest gift of all! What have we given?

The Adolescents had their Christmas banquet and they had a great time and enjoyed their time together. Especially the food! You will never believe what they wanted to eat!?? Lasagna!!! Doesn’t sound to Christmassy does it? Well, they enjoy every bit of it.

End of the school year and two graduate from high school!

Around here things are doing great. Kids are out of school until the beginning of February. The school year here actually follows the calendar year. That is because our summer months are from November to March. We for sure do not have a white Christmas. This year we almost had a WET Christmas. We have had lots and lots of rain. If we lived in low land we would be flooded out. But we live 3000 ft above sea level. Wonderful fresh air! Actually I think it is the most perfect weather on earth!!!! The kids are enjoying being out of school. They have had lots of fun between the kites and the swimming pool.

Ademar has lived with us for a long time.
His father died many years ago and mother is mentally disturbed.

Gisleide, never knew her father or her biological mother.
She lived with a family until she was 12 and then they gave her
back to the court that sent her to a home.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mission trip to Alvorada do Sul

Beautiful river!

On memorial day we got together and took a mission trio to Alvorada do Sul. There is a mission in this city that we have been helping for a while. The couple that started the mission used to work here at Alpha and Omega. Memorial Day here is Brasil is November 2. A little different from the U.S. We have a full bus. the bus had 57 in it and kathy and I took our car with 5 in it. The trip was great and we had a save trip there and back. We had 2 services and a special activity for the children Sartuday afternoon. The work there is growing gradually. It is a very small town near a large river and right in the middle of fram land. the building htere is almost done. Here are some pictures of our trip. Hope you enjoy. Pray for this work.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Victory and New Things to come!

We are really excited about what is going on around here. The services here in Garça and in Marilia have been great. The numbers are constant but most important is that we are always having new people coming. In both places we have had many teens and some parents to come.
Here at the home things are moving on. We have had many victories. One big victory is about Gestal. Gestal used to live here at the home. We now have his mom and siblings here living with us. Their house had fallen in. When the prosecutor found out that Gestal was here he had him taken to another home here in Garça. The prosecutor was very determined not to let him come and live here. Actually he told Gestal’s mom that if she wanted her son that she would have to leave alpha and omega. Her answer to him was that she would not leave. Because when she didn’t have any where to live and had no food to feed her kids no one cared. She only found help at Alpha and omega. Well to cut the story short, the judge singed for Gestal to came and live with his family here with us!!!! We praise God for this victory!!!!!!
We are working on some projects to work with kids some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Kids here only go to school half day. We want to have more time with those who are coming to church. We are planning on helping them with school work, painting, Jewelry, hygiene, sports, manners and so on. This past week we have been completely redoing our library. We are taking out books that we don’t need and making a list of new ones we need. We are also working on the classrooms to get the ready for the projects that will be done in each class. Most of the classrooms are in good shape and do not need much work done. For classes like beauty and hair care we will need to make some adaptations. If we have a good number of teen boys around 15years old or more we will also have classes in electronics. This is really important to have for the older boys because this city is known for its factories that make electronic components. We are really excited. We also plan on having the same kind o projects in Marilia. We will also have a time for teaching bible lessons and principals for daily living.

Eating Sunday lunch together with the church

Services in Marilia on Saturday

Monday, September 21, 2009

Having Services In Marilia!

We are so excited with the servicesin Marilia. We have been there for 2 weeks now. The 1st week we had 45 and this week under lots of rain we had 30. The amazing thing is that we have had several adult to come out. And what is really amazing is that we have had men to come. It is easy for women to come because they come with the children, but men is another story. We are taking a large group from the church here in Garca. we have been taking about 40 to help get things realy and visit the neighborhood. Every one had really enjoyed going. Our services here in Garca have been great. We are running over 70 on the bus route.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

News letter

We hope that all is well with each of you and enjoying the blessing from our Lord and Savior. We are doing great! God has been so good to us and just shown His love and mercy each day.
The church is doing great. We have had many new time visitors morning and night. This month of August we had 49 first time visitors. What is interesting is that we have not even done any special visits and promotions. The church purchased a bus this last week. We are now running 2 buses on Sunday morning. Many of the ones coming are bringing others. That is what it is all about. One thing that we are doing is spending more time together. So about once a month we have lunch together. Next Sunday we are going to have home grown chicken stew and cooked corn bread (mush) with fresh lettuce salad grown here also. Sounds good?!!!! It is good!!!! Better than the food is the fellowship that we have together. The church bus driver mentioned the other day that when the kids started coming that the screamed and cursed but now they come sinning the songs that they are learning in Sunday school. That was a big encouragement for the bus driver. Please continue to pray for the church that many will come and hear and be saved.
Here at the home we are doing well also. We have 2 new teens. One is odali’s nephew from the city where mike Creiglow lives. Pray that if he is not saved that he will come to know the Lord and Savior and grow each day. Also we have Gislaine back with us. I will be requesting her guardianship this week. She is from Marilia. We talked to the prosecutor of that city about some kids that used to be here and how we could help them. He told us that he would give any guardianship that we wanted. All we had to do is ask our lawyer to request them. Pray about this with us. There are several kids that have contacted us that are asking for help.
We had a fantastic blessing that happened last month. We had a Home was given to us. There is a children’s home is Marilia that was closed. The couple that owned the home contacted us to see if we would be interested in having the place. We had several kids that come to live with us that had stayed at their home. We have not fully decided what kind of work we will be doing there. One thing we do know is that we are going to start having services there on the weekends. We drove around the neighborhood and found no Christian churches. One of the projects that we have been studying about is working with retired folks and need a place to stay during the day. For those that still have good health and need to keep their minds and bodies moving. This is also a great opportunity for evangelism. Please pray for this new project that God will lead us each step of the way.
We want to thank all of you that pray for us faithfully and support the ministry. You are important to us. May God richly bless you and your families and churches!
Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy


Wow! This month has started out with lots of things going on. We are specially excited about our church services. We have had so many first time visitors for Sunday school and night services. Last Sunday we had 26 visitors. The visitors are coming back and bringing others. Last Sunday we had our lunch that we have about once a month. It is a time that everyone can just hang around visist and just have a good time. The kids love playing on the play ground. This week was independence day here, so we went to the farm to work a little and play and just have a good time. We are planting beans and corn. Hope it sprouts and grows well. We have had lots of rain. so hopefully it will do good.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What all went on in August!

We have had a busy month and an exciting one. Live is always full of surprises. We make plans, but God is who controls it. In one of the pictures below, there is a picture of a lady in a wheel chair. That was the last time she came to church and the last time we saw her. She died the next Tuesday. One of the things she had talked about is that she want her family to be in church. Pray for them.
Also we have had wonderful attendance in church. In the month of August we had a total of 56 first time visitors. What is really neet is that we are not even doing any special programs to reach more people.
In Marilia, where we have the new building we are planing on having a Saturday afternoon service. There are no churches in that neighborhood. We thank all of you for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us and the ministries.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Special day for the pre teens!

The group of young teens is growing. They do Bilbe studies and from time to time have a special day. This month the had to dress up as some character they like. Their Study for the month was on character. The question was: How does God see you? Based on the Scripture that God see the inside and not the out side. We havea group of kids that are coming to church that have never been to church before. This is really exciting.

One of our workers gets married.

Levi and Katia
Katia is a young lady who has worked with us for a long time. She was saved in one of the churches John Hatcher started many years ago. we have known her since she was a little girl. She loves the Lord and has a special love for kids with special needs. She started her work by teaching in Sunday School. she enjoyed teaching so much that she decided to go to college. She will graduated from college this December. She had never planed on going to college until she came to work her at the home. God has blessed her with a sweet husband. Pray for them for God to continue to bless their lives as they serve in the ministry.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Everyday jobs and needs to keep things up

We still have the same families here with us. They are getting evolved in church and the kids are learning new things and learning about the Lord. We have had many new teens and adult visitor at church. Our boys and others that live here have been bringing some of the school friends to church.
Even though we don’t have many here now we are still trying to keep the building up. We have the day by day expenses and there is always work to be done on the building. Painting is always one of those things that have to be done from time to time. There are still some of the roofs that have not been fixed or changed. Also one thing that we have not done is fix the concrete sidewalks around the home in the front and in the back. Since the building is over 35 years old from time to time we have problems with water and gutter pipe lines. The water pipes are old and are galvanized pipes and cause leaks in the walls. We don’t have lots of extra money but are working hard on keeping up the building. We are working on the projects that we have on our mind. We want to do different things that will reach out to kids and their families. We want to have other projects that work the way the soccer project does. We have been thinking about jewelry, painting and after school support and some other things we studying about. We thank all of you for your prayers and support. Please continue praying for us and that God will supply for the needs we have.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Edi and Deborah

Today was a special day here at the church and the home. Edi is one of the first boys that came to live with us. He lived with us in our home is Vera Cruz and then came to Garca to the home with us. He left a few years ago to live on his own. His desire was to one day come back and help us help others. We this day has arrived. God gave him a wife in the church he was going to. He live in a city about 5 hours away from here. His wife worked in church in the children's ministry. Her name is Deborah. Some of you that have none us for over 12 year know who Edi is. We are excited about them being here. So today we celebrated their marriage and their arrival here. Every one from church stayed and ate here. It was a wonderful time of fellowship.

Monday, June 15, 2009

From The Heart of Chelsea Northrip

Alpha Omega Children’s Home is not a quiet place. At any given time, one might hear a number of sounds: the clanging of metal pots and pans in the kitchen as meals are being prepared…the shouting and laughter of children as they play on the playground…a woman singing praise songs as she mop a hallway or hang laundry up to dry…dogs barking as they playfully chase the kids around the yard…a man working on the engine of a car. When all of these sounds are put together, it might seem a bit chaotic. And yet for me, these sounds blend together to form the most beautiful of symphonies. For amidst the chaos of everyday life there in the home, there is a peace unlike anything I have experienced elsewhere. It is a peace that can only come when the Spirit of the Lord is present. And though I have been in beautiful American churches with stained-glass windows and ancient European cathedrals with lofty ceilings and gorgeous designs, they do not compare with the simplicity of Alpha Omega. Some of the walls need repainting, some of the tiles need to be replaced…but the Lord’s presence is stronger there than anywhere else I have ever been.
Alpha Omega is not merely a place. There may be a building that serves as a housing facility for dozens of people, but the heart of Alpha Omega lies within its people…people who love the Lord with all they have, who give generously and selflessly and sacrificially, people that know what life is all about. It is these people—people like Kathy and Odali Barros, the owners of the home and the most loving people I know; people like Lizene Schimming, a servant leader who goes above and beyond to help everyone around her; people like thirteen-year-old Ari or eight-year-old Gabriel, who can brighten your day with a simple smile—these people are what draws me back to this incredible home again and again. This past May I had the pleasure of leading a team from Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky, to come and experience the home I have come to know and love. This was my fifth visit to Alpha Omega, and as always, I was not disappointed. I have watched the home go through various transformations over the past four years, as the people there have faced challenges and loss and have endured trials that would cause many to crumble; yet, Alpha Omega remains a refuge of hope and a sanctuary for practically anyone seeking help. Orphans, abused children, unwed mothers, teenagers trying to stay off drugs…anyone who needs it has a home there and experiences the love of Christ in a very real way simply by living among His people. For those who work and live at the home are indeed children of God; they love without condition and without restraint. It is a beautiful thing to behold.
While our team there for this trip, we were able to see God’s work being done firsthand. We saw families being ministered to, mothers provided with support as they worked to raise their children in a godly and safe environment. We saw children learning what it means to obey and follow the Lord even from an early age. We saw older children mentoring the younger ones, taking time to play with them and serve as role models. We saw teenagers and adults working hard at numerous tasks, cooking or cleaning or planting…all for the sake of serving those around them and keeping the home functioning smoothly. We saw it all…and we were humbled. We came to serve; yet it was us who were served. We were so blessed by the people of Alpha Omega, as they ministered to us in countless ways.
When it was time for us to leave, everyone on my team expressed that they did not want to go. In the short two weeks we spent at Alpha Omega, everyone fell in love with the people there. Our team was so impacted by their time at the home that we spent our last day in Brazil discussing what we had learned at Alpha Omega with one another. As we began to talk about what we had experienced, many of our team members shared the common sentiment that what they had learned was unforgettable and invaluable. Nearly everyone pledged to return next year. Many of us found it difficult to give voice to what it was that had affected us so deeply. One girl put it this way: “ Alpha Omega is just so different from any other place I have ever been. It’s like no matter who you are, where you’re from, or how different you might be, you can go there and have a home and family. Because you’re surrounded by love…love that’s stronger than any differences…love that’s real, because it comes from God.”
That is the best way to express what life at Alpha Omega is like, yet even that does not begin to cover how special it is. I cannot find better words to describe how much I love Alpha Omega or how strongly I support the ministry being done there, but I have always heard that actions speak louder than words anyway. If that’s true, than perhaps my actions can speak for my heart. By the time I left Alpha Omega this time, I knew it was no longer enough to merely keep visiting. Alpha Omega has become my home, and the people there my family. When I am there, I feel like I can serve God to the best of my ability, because I am surrounded by others whose goals are the same: glorifying the Lord and serving people. That is why I have decided to move to the home as soon as I can and stay for a long-term period. I fully and whole-heartedly embrace the mission of Alpha Omega and want to be a part of the vision shared by the others who live and work there.
I do not know exactly what the next several years will hold, but I have utter peace about my decision to live and work at Alpha Omega. The people in the home are proclaiming the gospel with their mouths and their lives, “being Jesus” to those around them and sharing their servants’ hearts. That is what true Christianity is about, and that is the kind of environment I want to be surrounded by. Life at Alpha Omega will certainly not always be easy; it will involve hard work and sacrifice. But it also involves living amidst a love unlike anything else I have ever known…a love that can only come from God. For that is what Alpha Omega is all about: sharing God’s love…with Americans, with Brazilians, with children, with mothers, with teenagers…with everyone.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Students From Georgetown College Visit Us Again!

We really enjoyed the visit of the students from Georgetown college. The kids aways enjoy meeting new people. Also it was nice to see some that had already been here before. We had several activities going on while they were here. we had a luau, field day, work projects and school ministry. Here are some pictures and testimonials of some who came.

My Amazing experience
By Kala Kellerman
From Georgetown College

My experience at Alpha and Omega can be summed up in not only one but many words… amazing, breathtaking, eye-opening life changing and the list goes on. This was my second time coming to Alpha and Omega and before I came I was going through some difficult times. At one point I was not sure I would make it on the trip.
The Lord spoke to me and I was able to continue to raise the money for the trip. The kids, both times have shown me how god works. I continue to stand in amazement. The love Odali and Kathy have for God and for Alpha and Omega is so strong and fearless it seems. Being here the first time changed some of my life and how I lived it. The second time around I have learned and been given more than I intended. I have thought a lot where God wants me and it’s awesome to think alpha and Omega helped me so much. A bible verse I think of is Micah 6:8
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Alpha and Omega, the kids, Kathy and Odali, Everybody showed me what the Lord requires of me and now I am truly Changing and I continue to hope Alpha and Omega has a part in it.

Ready to serve.

Every one was

ready to eat!

My heart was hungry for God
By Thomas Owens
From Georgetown college

Entering into this trip my heart was weak and my hunger for God was strong. Upon arrival I immediately wanted to return home with the lack of contact with my parents. However, this trip has been one of the best experiences of my life. The children at Alpha and Omega each have an amazing story about the trials and tribulations they have endured. Even though all their troubles, all they truly want in life is love. I had the opportunity of getting to know Junior. He has such a true light about him that shines. Coming to Alpha and Omega has helped me learn so much about myself. I have learned that I have so much and give so little. An incident that really hit me hard was on the 4th day here. Junior was making hearts out of paper then made an origami bird out of just a scrap piece of paper. I then gave it to Junior. Later, on our last night here I dropped off some clothed at his room and on the top of his closet was the origami bird that I had made for him. I said to him, “you still have the bird I made?”
Junior then said “of course you made it for me.” This instance may seem small to someone else, but it truly did affect me. He kept the scrap piece of paper because someone took the time to show love and make something for him. This trip has truly been remarkable and will forever remain in my heart.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day Service

We are working on reaching out to new parents in our neighborhood.
Since it was Mothers day we directed our attendtion to mothers. We tried to insintavate the children that have been coming to church to bring their mothers. We had several mothers that came for the first time. We had lots of fun; games, drama, mother and children games. The children really enjoyed playing with their mothers. After the service we had a dinner for every one. The day was very enjoyable.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reaching out to families near us

We have been visiting in homes near
to where people that are from church live. We want each one to reach out to people that are close enough that they can be easily visited and encourage to come to church. We had a special day with a point to get some of the kids parents out. We had a good number of people out and several paent that had never been here at Alpha and Omega. We served them little Pizzas (called esfira) for lunch. We had 135 to atend.

We had activities that envolve the parents with the kids. They all have lots of fun.

Since the weather has been nice we have been having all our activities out side. We are in the middle of fall now and some times it is very windy and cool.